North Western Naval Command conducts two field medical clinics

As part of the Sri Lanka Navy’s Community Development and Social Responsibility Project, the North Western Naval Command conducted two field medical clinics in the Mannar district on 13th and 14th September 2014. One medical clinic was held at the Roman Catholic Primary Tamil Mixed School in Kayakkuli and the other was held at the Roman Catholic Primary Tamil Mixed School in Marichchikaddi.

The field medical clinics were conducted by the Command Medical Department of the North Western Naval Area under the patronage of Commander North Western Naval Area, Rear Admiral Piyal De Silva to uplift the curative and preventive medical care of the newly-resettled community in the area. A large number of villagers living in Kayakkuli, Kondachchikuda, Mullikulam, Karadakkuli, Marichchikaddi, and Pokkulam benefited from the clinics. Three hundred and thirteen patients were treated for communicable, non-communicable, oral, childhood and old age diseases and women health problems at the primary family health care level. All investigations, medicines and nutritional supplements were provided to them free of charge.

Thriposha Lanka Ltd., State Pharmaceutical Corperation, Hemas Pharmaceutical Ltd., Interpharma Ltd. and E-Pharma Pharmaceuticals also rendered assistance to make the two field medical clinics a success by providing medicines and nutritional supplements.