Navy clinches the championship at the second stage of Dialog Inter Club Rugby Tournament 2017

The second stage games of the Dialog Inter Club Rugby Tournament 2017 worked off at the Welisara Navy Ground on 17th and 18th of June. Recording impressive performances at the tournament, Navy clinched the title of the second stage games.

Accordingly, Navy ‘Wave Riders’ beat Army ‘Colts’ by 07 – Nil recording a comprehensive victory and won the Cup Championship. Similarly, Navy ‘Sea Horse’ overcame Army ‘Keterians’ by 17 -12 securing the Plate Championship. Able Seaman LL Wickramarachchi was adjudged the player of the tournament that was participated by 14 club teams.

Meanwhile, Navy clinched its first ever championship at the Dialog Rugby Inter Club 7’s Championship which worked off on 11th June 2017 at the Racecourse Ground, Colombo.