OCDS non-commissioned officers organize a family get-together

Going by an idea mooted by Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne, non-commissioned officers of Office of the Chief of Defence Staff organized a family get-together at the Club House in Uswetakeiyawa on 09th February 2019. A large number of non-commissioned officers and their families attended this event.

The event commenced with the address of Chief of Defence Staff, in which he welcomed the family members of armed force personnel to the event and appreciated them for the burden shared when their husbands are away in fight the ruthless terrorism the country faced for three decades.

A band performance with singing, dancing and other special entertainment for children had also been arranged. OCDS himself seemed engaging in the entertainment activities with children making them even happier. Everyone present on the occasion enjoyed the day which allowed them to have cordial interactions and it came to a close with awarding of presents to cherish this event.