International Military Sports Council Day Run - 2019

CISM day run conducted annually by member countries of International Military Sports Council to celebrate its anniversary will be held on 18th February 2019 around the world. Sri Lanka Navy will be organizing the International Military Sports Council (CISM) day run - 2019 at the Galle face area with the participation of VVIPs/Tri service Commanders.

The year 2006 is the birth of CISM Day Run that aims at promoting the practice of sports in the military context, bringing together all community of Sports, which includes Sports Federations, Olympic Committees, and other International Institutions in contact with the Armed Forces and Ministries of Defense.

Since the first edition, in 2006, this special day is held every year on 18 February worldwide. In 1948 the French squadron leader Henri Debrus, together with militaries of France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Denmark, founded in Nice, France, the “Conseil International du Sport Militaire” with the ideal of promoting peace through sport between the Armed Forces.

Nowadays, the CISM Day Run is the most important event created to celebrate the anniversary of the Council and remind the date of its establishment.

Totally integrated in CISM solidarity principles, this event also intends to contribute to world peace and already became a tradition between CISM-family worldwide. Up to now, 83 member countries have already held at least once the CISM Day Run.

The event includes short or long distance jogging, walking or skiing. The purpose is to disseminate the CISM motto,“Friendship through Sport”, among the millions of soldiers of our 133 member nations, gathering for one day, under the sport and flag peace, the brothers in arms of the whole world. Regardless of physical fitness, sports abilities, social conditions, ranks, gender or age; everybody together, shoulder-to-shoulder, engaged in the principle of sport for all and with one goal only: the world peace.