Navy cleans canals that turned to dirty drains in Gampaha

The Canal Cleaning Project of Sri Lanka Navy rendered assistance to clean several canals in Gampaha from 25th to 29th May. Accordingly, canals located in the regions of Hunupitiya, Wanawasala, Wattala etc. were cleaned by naval personnel, as they have turned to dirty drains.

The canals were filled with salvinia and floating ferns posing a flood threat and making an unpleasant smell in the surrounding area. Having noticed these unfavorable conditions, the Navy commended cleaning of the canals utilizing a large group of naval personnel.

The Canal Cleaning Project of Sri Lanka Navy has a dedicated team of naval personnel who are experts in undertaking such projects. Further, this particular unit possesses special equipment and machinery needed for the cleaning and restoration of canals, tanks and reservoirs. Further, the Navy also renders assistance to the state and private sector institutions who undertake cleaning programmes at separate locations. As a result of this generosity of the Sri Lanka Navy a number of canals and tanks which fell into decay have successfully been restored during the last couple of years.