Navy apprehends persons transporting 1,268kg of beedi leaves

The Navy apprehended a suspect who was illegally transporting beedi leaves at the Galkanda Junction in Negombo on 24th October 2019.

The Western Naval Command, during a search in Galkanda area has spotted a suspicious lorry and inspected the vehicle travelling from Negombo to Minuwangoda. Inside the lorry were 1,268.090kg of beedi leaves packed in 39 sacks. Accordingly, the suspect who was driving the vehicle was held by the Navy. He has been identified as a resident of Dankotuwa, aged 41.

The apprehended person along with beedi leaves and lorry will be handed over to the Colombo Customs for onward investigation. As a result of continuous naval raids and search operations, drug traffickers find it difficult to continue their nefarious activities and the Navy will continue to remain vigilant on such activities in its effort to create a drug-free society.