Navy relief teams to Southern Province to face adverse weather conditions

Considering the inclement weather conditions, SL Navy has deployed number of relief teams at several identified locations in Southern province.

Accordingly, due to the prevailing rains these days, Urubokka Oya which flows across Ranna area, Tangalle, has overflowed and the suburb area was flooded since the sluice gates were blocked by clogged debris there. And the Wakwella bridge over the Gin Ganga was also blocked with debris clogged underside. To heal the emergency situation, SL Navy deployed a diving team attached to the Southern Naval Command to Urubokka Oya and another relief team consists of Navy Mariners to Wakwella bridge, today (30 October). The relief teams swiftly cleared debris making way for proper downstream of water.

the Navy has deployed relief teams belonging to the Rapid Response Rescue and Relief Unit (4RU) and Navy Diving Unit, at Thawalama, Neluwa, Akuressa, Hungama and Kamburupitiya areas in Southern Province as a prior precaution to minimize the flood effect.

Removing debris underside Wakwella bridge

Opening the sluice gates in Urubokka Oya

Providing transportation by the Navy