The annual Inter-Ship/Craft Semaphore, Flashing, ROR and Rigging Competition 2019

The annual Inter-Ship/Craft Semaphore, Flashing, ROR and Rigging Competition organized by the Naval Fleet Command for year 2019 was held at the Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda Auditorium in Trincomalee on 02nd December.

The Commander Eastern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Merril Wickramasinghe graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Flag Officer Commanding Naval Fleet, Rear Admiral Upul De Silva, Heads of Departments, Commanding Officers of ships and establishments and a large number of naval personnel were also present on this occasion.

The competition had been organized under three categories, namely Major Ships, Minor Ships/Crafts and Fast Attack Craft. Number of contestants who represented ships/craft belonging to the Eastern, Northern, Western and Southern Naval Areas demonstrated their craftsmanship in relevant fields, in the final round. The aim of organizing this competition was to select the best performing ship/craft representing each category in Rigging, ROR, Semaphore and Flashing. Thus the teams from SLNS Sagara, SLNS Ranarisi and Fast Attack Craft P 450 and P 414 emerged as the best Semaphore and Flashing teams in the categories of Major Ships, Minor Ships/Crafts and FACs respectively. Meanwhile, the teams which represented SLNS Sindurala, SLNS Udara Fast Attack Craft P 402 were elected as the best Rigging Teams in same sequence of categories. Following the same order of categories, the award for the Rule of the Road (ROR) was won by the teams of SLNS Sagara, SLNS Rathnadeepa and Fast Attack Craft P 430

Those who displayed excellent performances during the competition were presented special awards in recognition of their individual performances as well. Lieutenant LUAWC Lansakara of P 450 won the award for the best ROR performer. MA I AKM Sandaruwan of SLNS Sidurala secured the award for the best Rigger. Meanwhile, Communicator I DKA Maduwantha of P 474 received the award for the most talented Semaphore and Flashing Communicator of the competition.