Naval operation underway searching for fishermen went missing near Upparu Bridge, Kinniya

A naval search operation is currently underway to locate 02 persons who went missing after falling into water from a dinghy on 08th December 2019. Apart from the two missing ones, another person has died from the accident.

Based on information disseminated by the Police about a capsized dinghy near the Upparu Bridge, the Navy promptly dispatched a naval vessel and a team of Navy divers to the location. Accordingly, the divers managed to pull 02 persons, of 05 aboard the dinghy, from the watery grave and brought them to the land. The corpse was found from the area where the dinghy was reported to be capsized. The search operation is yet underway to find the other missing people.

The persons who faced this terrible ordeal has been identified as residents of Kinniya. The body has been handed over to the Kinniya Police for onward investigation and it has been subsequently given to the Base Hospital of Kinniya.