Navy hands over stock of medical outfits to Public Service United Nurses' Union

A stock (150) of medical outfits, worn by healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients, was handed over to the Chairman of the Public Service United Nurses' Union (PSUNU) Ven. Muruttetuwe Ananda Thero by the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva at the Naval Headquarters today (21st April 2020).

A programme to provide medical outfits worn by healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients which has been a grave need at this juncture, has initiated by the Navy in collaboration with Vehicle Importers Association of Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, the materials needed to stitch these outfits, are provided to the Navy by Vehicle Importers Association of Sri Lanka and medical outfits are sawn at the Naval Sewing Centers. Accordingly, the first lot of these stitched medical outfits, was handed over on token, to the Chairman of the Public Service United Nurses' Union Ven. Muruttetuwe Ananda Thero by Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva.

A Coordinating Secretary to the Ministry of Buddasasana Ven. Agrahara Kashypa, the President of the Vehicle Importers Association of Sri Lanka and its representatives were also present on this occasion.