First Naval person recovered from COVID-19 leaves IDH hospital

The COVID-19 infected naval person who was under treatment at IDH hospital after being admitted there on 25th April 2020 upon confirmation positive to coronavirus, was discharged from the hospital since he was back to full recovery, on 03rd May 2020.

This naval person was tested positive to coronavirus by PCR test at the Rathnapura hospital on 25thnd April 2020. Later, on the same day, he was directed to IDH hospital for treatment and while under treatment he had been tested by 3 PCR tests. Since, all test results confirmed that the patient was negative for coronavirus, he was discharged on 03rd May 2020.

Further, this naval person discharged from the IDH hospital will be kept under quarantine for another 14 days following the healthcare instructions. His family members are also undergoing quarantine process at the Naval Quarantine Center in Boossa.