Healthcare equipment donated for Naval anti-corona operations by Richmond College Team of 2004

Richmond College Team of 2004 donated a stock of Healthcare equipment to the Sri Lanka Navy, required for the safety of the naval personnel on duty at naval quarantine centers. The donation was made at the Headquarters of Southeastern Naval Command, today (12th May 2020).

A number of programmes are being carried out by the Navy to keep suspected persons in quarantine and to control the spread of COVID-19 in the country, under the directives of Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva. For this endeavour, the Navy is receiving material support from various organizations. As such donation, a stock of healthcare equipment including Hand gloves, PPE kit, Face shield, Hand sanitizer and Surgical masks were handed over to Commander Southeastern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Senarath Wijesooriya by Richmond College Team of 2004.

Meanwhile, Commander Southeastern Naval Area, receiving the stock of aids to the Navy, expressed Navy’s gratitude to the members of Richmond College Team of 2004 engaging in charitable efforts of this nature.