Navy deploys air propelled boat in Karagam Lewaya, Hambantota

With the aim of further strengthening the security provided for the gas and oil storages located at Hambantota International Harbour, Sri Lanka Navy on 18th April 2021 deployed an air propelled boat that can ply in shallow waters of Karagam Lewaya.

This flat-bottomed boat which was improvised by the Command Engineering Department of Southern Naval Area, is capable of navigating through shallow swamps and marshes in streams of water. Therefore, the Navy will now be able to utilize this boat to conduct patrols in the shallow waters of Karagam Lewaya with relative ease, as other conventional boats find it difficult to reach such terrains. Further, Commander Southern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Priyantha Perera conducted a training session for operators of the air propelled boat in Karagam Lewaya on 18th April.

Naval Officer in Charge Hambantota, Commodore Mahesh De Silva, Commanding Officer Sri Lanka Naval Ship (SLNS) Kawantissa, Captain LADT Shamenda and a group of naval personnel attached to the Commodore Superintendent Dockyard (South) were present on this occasion.