Navy’s stalls draw attention of many visiting the exhibition - ‘Combat 2022’

The Royal College, Colombo with the assistance of Tri-Services and Police organized the ‘Combat 2022’ Exhibition at the school premises on 20th December 2022. The prime motive of the exhibition was to popularise the scouting movement among school children. The exhibition stalls presented by the Navy featured arms and equipment used in the Navy as well as demonstrations presented by naval personnel.

At the directives of Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, the Navy put on display some of the equipment and mastery unique to the Special Boat Squadron and Diving Unit as well as Navy’s proficiency in Seamanship and Navigation. School children who were at the exhibition were keen to visit the Navy’s stalls, where they were educated on the exhibits, by the Navy.

The school children were also enthralled by the performances of the Navy Band, on the sidelines of the exhibition.