Navy renders assistance to conduct community eye clinic and non-communicable diseases prevention programme in Trincomalee

The Sri Lanka Navy rendered assistance to conduct a community eye clinic and non-communicable diseases prevention programme at the Urban Council, Trincomalee on 26th March 2023. The event was held in partnership with the Lions Clubs of Trincomalee and Handala, for the benefit of people in the locality.

Sri Lanka Navy has been conducting its Naval Social Responsibility (NSR) initiatives at the directives of Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera. In parallel with these initiatives, the programme was held under the supervision of Commander Eastern Naval Area and Commandant Volunteer Naval Force, Rear Admiral Dammika Kumara. The programme was attended by 113 persons from the area.

Screening for non-communicable diseases, health promotion and education as well as donation of spectacles were major events of the programme. Meanwhile, the Navy remains standby to join hands with similar initiatives with a view to creating a positive impact on society.