Sri Lanka Naval Association commences poppy flower campaign to honour and remember war veterans

On the sidelines of the poppy flower campaign, launched to commemorate war veterans, the President of Sri Lanka Naval Association, Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne (Retd) pinned a poppy flower on Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera at the Navy Headquarters today (24th October 2023).

The poppy flower campaign was originally adopted to commemorate those war veterans who perished for their country during World War I and II. Presently, exchange of poppies symbolizes honouring of supreme sacrifice made by the veterans of the armed forces for the Motherland. As such, in commemoration of all naval war veterans, President of Sri Lanka Naval Association pinned this poppy flower on Commander of the Navy today.

Furthermore, the President of the Sri Lanka Naval Association also affixed a poppy flower to the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Rear Admiral Jayantha Kularatne. The Vice President of the Sri Lanka Naval Association, Rear Admiral Manil Mendis (Retd) and several members of the association were also present on this occasion.