Navy enhances sanitary standards at schools in Medawachchiya

As part of Naval Social Responsibility initiatives, the Navy came forward to enhance sanitary standards at several schools in Medawachchiya by enabling its manpower. The funds necessary for the project were provided by a philanthropist from overseas. The facilities made available at Puleliya Vidyalaya, Thulawelliya Vidyalaya and Ginikatuwewa Vidyalaya Rambewa were declared open at those schools on 05th February 2024.

The construction work of the project was carried out by the Civil Engineering Department in the North Central Naval Command, under the supervision of Commander North Central Naval Area, Rear Admiral Naleen Nawarathna. The funds required for this magnanimous effort were made possible by a philanthropist domiciled in the United States. Through this initiative, the Navy successfully addressed a longstanding requirement for the children attending those schools.

Meanwhile, the Navy's initiatives, aimed at creating conducive environments for children to excel in their educational pursuits, received commendation from school principals and teachers.

Commanding Officer SLNS Pandukabhaya, Captain MAL Perera, naval personnel from the North Central Naval Command, the Principals and teaching staffs of the schools and school children were present on the occasions where these facilities were declared open.