Navy conducts CBRN training programme in Hambantota

The Sri Lanka Navy successfully conducted a training exercise focused on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) readiness at the port of Hambantota on 17th May 2024. CBRN hazards pose significant threats to both public safety and security due to their potential for catastrophic consequences.

Going by the directions of the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera this programme was initiated by the Sri Lanka Navy's Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Unit. This training exercise provided both theoretical and hands-on training on the risks associated with CBRN hazards.

During the theoretical training session, participants were briefed on detecting, identifying, and safely managing chemical hazards, while the practical session focused on hands-on experience with safety equipment, emergency procedures, including evacuation, and proper disposal of hazardous chemicals.

Representatives from the Sri Lanka Ports Authority and Fire Service also participated in the event.

In this initiative, the Navy highlighted the importance of coordination and collaboration among various entities in handling chemical disasters. These exercises aim to foster the development of new knowledge and skills among stakeholders. By fostering partnerships and cooperation, the goal is to effectively manage CBRN disasters in the future.