Specialized training enhances skills of Naval Kenel Unit and SBS sniffer dogs

The Sri Lanka Navy organized a specialized training session for the Naval Kenel Unit and SBS sniffer dogs from 01st to 05th July 2024 in Western Naval Command Headquarters, Colombo harbour. This session, focused on detection of narcotics, was conducted with the support of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCB) and the Police Sniffer Dog Training Unit.

The programme was conducted as per the directives of the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera. During the training session, dogs from the Naval Kenel Unit and SBS received specialized training to identify drugs. They were trained to detect these substances even when carefully concealed in ships and buildings.

Additionally, the handlers also received both theoretical and practical training on managing dogs for drug detection. The session also included sharing relevant experiences to enhance their skills.

By properly training Navy canines to detect narcotics, the Navy would significantly enhance its capability to conduct thorough inspections of suspicious buildings, ships, and vessels during raids for narcotics.