Navy nabs 02 persons with a stock of sea cucumbers in Silawathura

A special search operation mounted by the Navy in Pandaraweli beach vicinity, Silawathura on 14th May 2024 led to the apprehension of 02 individuals who were in the process of preparing about 3500 illegally harvested sea cucumbers for transportation. Along with the stock of sea cucumbers, a cab used for this illegal act was also taken into the naval custody.

The Navy carries out regular search operations and patrols in the coastal and sea areas around the island, with a view to preventing illegal fishing practices.

In continuation of these efforts, Pandaraweli Coastal Observation Point belonging to SLNS Therapuththa in the Northwestern Naval Command carried out a search operation in Pandaraweli beach area on 14th May. The search resulted in the apprehension of 02 persons who were in the process of loading about 3500 illegally harvested sea cucumbers to a cab for transportation. The Navy also held the cab used to transfer the stock of sea cucumbers.

The suspects held in this operation are residents of Mannar, aged 24 and 31. The suspects along with the stock of dried sea cucumber and the cab were handed over to the Fisheries Inspector of Silawathura for onward legal action.