14 naval war heroes receive interest free loans for semi – constructed houses

In recognition of the supreme sacrifice made by war heroes and those who left disabled during the humanitarian operation, the Seva Vanitha Unit of the Ministry of Defence provided a total of Rs. 4,200,000 to be distributed among 14 disabled naval war heroes (Rs. 300,000 each), under its project of the provision of interest free loan for semi – constructed houses.

The first segment of the 22nd phase of this magnanimous initiative was held on 21st June 2017 granting a sum of Rs. 2,100,000 among 14 naval war heroes (Rs. 150,000 each) and the second segment of the same initiative was held on 03 June 2018 granting the remaining amount of the loan, under the patronage of the President of the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit (NSVU), Mrs. Sandhya Ranasinghe at the office of the NSVU.

Vice President of NSVU, Mrs. Thamara Rosayro, senior members and several naval officers attached to the NSVU were also present on this occasion.