Navy wins women’s championship in 12th Defence Services Hockey Tournament

The women’s hockey team of the Sri Lanka Navy won the women’s championship in 12th Defence Services Hockey Tournament 2022/23. The tournament was held at the Sri Lanka Air Force Hockey Ground, Ekala on 23rd June 2023.

In the final, the Navy women edged out their Air Force counterparts 4/3 and won the 12th Defence Services Hockey Tournament title (women’s). In the final encounter, Woman Leading Seaman BNM Jayaneththi, Woman Leading Seaman GGG Damayanthi, Woman Able Seaman KLASC Kumari and Woman Ordinary Seaman KV Kaluarachchi scored a goal (01) each.

Cementing their reign as true champions of the game, the Navy women's hockey team has secured their fourth consecutive Defense Services Hockey Championship title with this victory.

Meanwhile, Navy’s Woman Able Seaman KLASC Kumari was adjudged the Player of the Final. A group of senior and junior officers as well as other ranks from the tri-services were also present on this occasion.