Navy triumphs in BASL Intermediate Boxing Tournament – 2023

The Sri Lanka Navy won the overall championship in the Intermediate Boxing Tournament – 2023 organized by the Boxing Association of Sri Lanka (BASL). The Navy secured the coveted title by winning 06 gold medals, 08 silver medals and 05 bronze medals in the tournament.

The tournament which took place at the Royal MAS Boxing Arena on 25th August 2023, attracted the best boxing talent from various clubs and associations across Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, the Navy was represented by 25 male and female boxers, showcasing fierce competition and outstanding achievement.

Under 54, 57, 75 and 92kg weight classes Able Seaman AS Priyankara, Able Seaman EWA Sandaruwan, Able Seaman RGUS Rupassara and Able Seaman PARL Vinod won gold medals. In addition, Woman Able Seaman LRS Sasangi and Woman Able Seaman HMHP Jayakody also won the gold medals under 60 and 81kg weight classes.

Meanwhile, Able Seaman WP Aravinda, Able Infantryman SI Ranmal, Leading Engineering Mechanic RMJ Sameera, Leading Seaman WDK Jayasinghe, and Able Physical Training Instructor AWA Madushan won silver medals under 48, 51, 67, 71 and 86kg weight classes. Also, Woman Able Seaman KMMJ Konara, Woman Able Seaman RMSS Rathnayake and Woman Able Seaman RMYDB Menike won silver medals under 50, 52 and 54kg weight classes respectively. Adding more bronze medals to the tally, Leading Engineering Mechanic GKGWU Kumara, Ordinary Seaman H Manawaduge, Able Infantryman KMGG Chathuranga, Leading Seaman PS Kumara and Able Seaman MMD Kumara won medals under 48, 51, 54, 60 and 80kg weight classes.

As the final bell rang on the tournament, the Sri Lanka Navy stood tall as the overall champions. Moreover, Woman Able Seaman KMMJ Konara was adjudged the Best Loser under 50kg weight category.