Navy bags many medals in Clifford Cup Boxing Tournament

The Navy boxing team secured a multitude of medals in the Clifford Cup Boxing Tournament held at the Royal MAS Arena Colombo from 13th to 17th November 2023.

Twenty-six (26) male and five (05) female boxers, representing the Navy, participated in a tournament that attracted top-notch boxers from 25 prominent clubs across the country. In men’s events, Leading Seaman KMCK Karunanayake (under 92kg) won the gold medal. In addition, Leading Chef AMGI Bandara (under 51kg), Leading Physical Training Instructor WMGKIGI Ariyarathna (under 75kg), Leading Seaman AMTS Adhikari (under 67kg) and Leading Seaman SMCS Samarakoon (under 63.5kg) won silver medals for the Navy.

Further, Leading Seaman PSP Deshapriya (under 80kg), Leading Communicator MGPKP Dayarathna (under 57kg), Able Seaman WP Aravinda (under 48kg), Leading Engineering Mechanic AW Hettige (over 92kg), Able Seaman BHDC De Silva (over 92kg), and Information Technologist PARL Vinod (under 92kg) bagged bronze medals. Leading Physical Training Instructor WMGKIGI Ariyarathna was also adjudged the Best Loser of the tournament.

In women’s events, Woman Stores Assistant HMHP Jayakodi (under 80kg) won the gold medal. Adding more medals to the tally, Woman Able Provost LRS Sasangi (under 60kg) won the silver medal and Woman Writer RMSS Rathnayake (under 54kg) won the bronze medal.