Navy bags several medals in Colombo Fitness Festival

The Navy bodybuilders bagged several medals in the Colombo Fitness Festival 2024, held at Havelock Park on 02nd March 2024.

The tournament was contested by a number of bodybuilders from renowned clubs in Sri Lanka. For the Navy, Writer WR Kavinda won the title in Men's Physique division. Meanwhile, Leading Engineering Mechanic NVA Namarathna won the 1st place in 80kg weight class and 2nd place in Title event. Besides, Ordinary Seaman PAVB Madhusakna won the 3rd place in 60-70kg weight class. In addition, the 3rd place in over 40kg weight class was won by Leading Electrical Mechanic TB Nuwan. Further, the 3rd place in over 90kg weight class was won by Able Seaman KK Dushantha.