Tri-Forces officers empowered to combat human trafficking and smuggling through specialized training programme

A two-day training programme aimed at enhancing the awareness of Tri-Forces officers on the subjects of human trafficking and smuggling was successfully held in Colombo on 04th and 05th July 2023. This significant initiative was made possible through the collaboration between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and National Anti- Human Trafficking Task Force (NAHTTF).

The timely initiative saw the participation of ten (10) officers from the Sri Lanka Navy. A team of officials from the IOM Sri Lanka and NAHTTF conducted lectures, providing valuable insights to the officers attending the programme.

The widespread increase in illegal migration has led to a significant influence on the national security of various regional and non-regional nations due to the consequential rise in human trafficking and smuggling across borders and via sea routes. The Sri Lanka Navy, in collaboration with both regional and extra-regional maritime stakeholders and law enforcement agencies, is playing a significant role in addressing the issue of human smuggling, which is recognized as a non-traditional maritime threat.

Meanwhile, the knowledge gained through such awareness programmes will be of great help in carrying out the operations of the Navy more efficiently and effectively in the future in order to combat human smuggling.