INS Nireekshak departs island concluding her official visit

The Indian Naval Ship (INS) Nireekshak which arrived in Trincomalee on 14th September 2023 on a formal visit, departed the island on 21st September. The Sri Lanka Navy bade customary farewell to the departing ship in accordance with naval tradition at the port of Trincomalee.

The Diving Support Vessel, INS Nireekshak, engaged in various diving training activities with the Sri Lanka Navy Diving Unit during this visit. Additionally, the crew of the visiting vessel actively participated in activities such as a basketball game, yoga sessions, and a beach cleanup effort, alongside their sightseeing excursions and social responsibility endeavours in Trincomalee.

Moreover, the officer under trainees and personnel of the Sri Lanka Navy as well as school children in the area had the opportunity to visit INS Nireekshak.

Visits like these will play a crucial role in fostering collaboration among naval forces. Additionally, these visits also facilitate training activities, allowing the exchange of knowledge and information about their unique environments. This exchange can be particularly beneficial in addressing shared maritime challenges in the future.