Commander of the Navy declares open Seema Malaka in Madu Ganga

A new Seema Malaka, built utilizing manpower and industrial expertise of the Sri Lanka Navy, was declared open amidst the blessings of the members of Ven. Maha Sangha by the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera on 26th June 2024. The Seema Malaka named ‘Swajin’ has been put up in the Madu Ganga, Balapitiya.

The construction of the Seema Malaka commenced in the year 2023 and it progressed with skilled labour and industrial expertise facilitated by the Civil Engineering Department of the Southern Naval Command. The project was successfully completed under the supervision of Rear Admiral Chinthaka Kumarasinghe, Commander Southern Naval Area. It also benefited from the guidance of Most Ven. Ahungalle Siriseelavisuddhi Maha Nayaka Thera, the organizational skills of Rajakeeya Panditha Balapitiye Siriseewali Nayaka Thera, and the financial support of Ven. Heelle Ganananda Nayaka Thera.

Senior officers from the Navy Headquarters and Southern Naval Command, sailors and devotees were also present on this occasion.