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Navy assists the series of Buddhist religious activities conducted at Nagadeepa Vihara

The series of Buddhist religious activities organized to commemorate the late Chief Incumbent of Nagadeepa Purana Raja Maha Viharaya Ven. Brahmanawatte Dammakiththi Tissa Thero and to celebrate the 59th birthday of the present Chief Incumbent Praveenacharya Damma Kiththi Sri Ven. Navadagala Paduma Kiththi Tissa Thero- the Chief Sanganayake of the Northern Province was held at the temple premises on 2nd and 3rd April....


Capping and oaths giving ceremony of naval nurses held in high note

The capping and oaths giving ceremony of naval nurses belonging to the Naval Nursing School located at SLNS Thakshila was held at the Admiral Somathilake Dissanayake Auditorium of SLNS Parakrama today (04th April 2019) on high note. ...


A person apprehended for engagement in fishing without valid pass

A group of naval personnel attached to the Northwestern Naval Command, nabbed a person engaged in illegal fishing without a pass, during a patrol conducted at Kudiramalai sea area in Kalpitiya today (04th April)....


‘Senehasa Gamata’ arrives at Naval Dockyard in Trincomalee

A medical camp organized by the Senehasa Education Resource Research and Information Centre (SERRIC) was held at the Naval Dockyard in Trincomalee today (04th April). The medical camp which had been organized under the ‘Senehasa Gamata’ programme focused on the children with special needs in military families....


French Ambassador meets Commander Northern Naval Area

The Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka, H.E. Eric Lavertu met with Commander Northern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Merril Wickramasinghe at the Northern Naval Command Headquarters on 02nd April....


Ten persons engaged illegal fishing held by Navy

Ten (10) persons who engaged illegal fishing on unauthorized means were nabbed by a group of Naval personnel attached to the North Western Naval Command, during a patrol carried out at Daluwa sea area in Puttalam, yesterday (03rd April)....


Commanding Officer of “DD-151 Asagiri” calls on Director General Operations

Commanding Officer of “DD-151 Asagiri” of Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force which arrived at port of Colombo today (04th April), Commander Yoshinori Sato paid a courtesy call on Director General Operations, Rear Admiral Niraja Attygalle at the Naval Headquarters....


Navy cleans canals that turned to dirty drains in Gampaha

The Canal Cleaning Project of Sri Lanka Navy rendered assistance to clean several canals in Gampaha from 25th to 29th May. ...


Japanese “Asagiri” arrives at the port of Colombo

“Asagiri” a Naval ship belongs to Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force, arrived at the port of Colombo today (04th April) on a goodwill visit....


Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Sri Lanka meets Commander of the Navy

A Russian delegation headed by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Sri Lanka, H.E. Yury B. Materiy visited the Naval Headquarters in Colombo and met Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva yesterday (03rd April). ...


A person apprehended by Navy with turtle flesh

Naval personnel attached to the Northern Naval Command apprehended a person with 4.5kg of turtle flesh, during a raid carried out at Kudaveli area in Delft, today (3rd April)....


Navy assists to douse fire in a shop at 3rd cross street

A fire fighting team of Sri Lanka Navy assisted to douse accidental fire arouse in a shop at 3rd cross street, today (3rd April)....


Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov arrives at port of Colombo

The Russian naval ship, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov arrived at the port of Colombo on a goodwill visit today (03rd April)....


Royal British Naval Ship HMS Montrose departs the island

HMS Montrose of Royal British Navy which arrived at the port of Colombo on 02nd April on a goodwill visit, departed the Colombo harbour on successful completion of their tour events, today (03rd April)....


Unauthorized fishing nets found in Batticaloa lagoon area

Naval troops attached to the Eastern Naval Command, during a routine patrol carried out in the Batticaloa lagoon area, found several of unauthorized fishing nets today (03rd April)....
